Friday, 30 April 2010

Well here I go again!

To begin with on a positive note I have printed Calvin's portraits at A2 so that is one thing I can cross off my to do list. After all the hassle of scanning them in - although it was interesting to learn more about the curves, colour balance, histogram etc - and to bring the exposure back from nothing was an achievment - that took 1 and a half days. Yesterday I thought I would be able to print after doing a little bit of clean up with the images - how wrong I was. FIVE HOURS - yes FIVE HOURS LATER - I had finally finished cleaning and "healing" 3 portraits. They were covered in dust and that was with cleaning them before they went into the scanner. Once I had sorted them out today we discussed printing them sepereately so they were more life size - like Rachael printed hers - but Calving decided they would look good enough on one A2 sheet. I also managed to print them smaller - so that is something else I do not have to worry about.

Now we head to the negatives. I picked my negs up from 20/20 today and they are as I thought they would be - not very good. I dont look at these and think wow - like I do when I have looked at others Holga work. All of my images seem to be very flat and dull - oh and very green. That was my problem as I found it easier to travel to the woods - where there were not many distractions but obviously it is very green - so I did try a few shots in the Urban Landscape. I then had a camera problem - because the strap fell off and back opened clightly - so exposed the film to light! Looking at some of them I could probably scrape together 10 seperate images for this part of the project - but I just feel that i have not pushed myself enough with the technique. I am going to try and play with some of them in Photoshop and up the contrast and play with the colour balance to see if there is any improvement.

Now lets see if these will go big?!

If the edits do not work out too well - I may need to think about changing the idea. Very late in the project I know - whatever I do will either have to be digital or black and white. Only idea I have floating around at the moment is working with flash blur? Getting people to move all over the place - mainly focusing on different style portraits but still incorporating the flash technique.

We'll meet again!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Not much to say!

The blogging bug has finally come back to me - but is it too late.
Went out frantically shooting the other day and I am going to pick up my films tomorrow so I am hoping for the best. As I had mentioned previously - it was either colourful or electrical and I went for electrical in the end because the majority of colourful objects I had were mainly candle holders - so could have got a bit repetitive - although I did get a few funny looks when I was carrying a hoover across the common and laying on the floor next to it?!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Exhibition Poster

Well over the past few days I have been doing some research into diffferent exhibition posters and I have produced a few designs - just too see where I could go with them.
I have kept to the same text as we have been using on the actual poster because I think it works well and is not too fussy!
My favourite is the first one as I spent the most amount of time on it - and I would keep going back to it to add little bit more or to adjust things. It may seem a bit of an obvious thing to do - but I think it works quite well as you get a chance to see everyones work.

The second one is actually meant to look like a large polaroid but as the side just blends in with the white background it does not really work that well. I am happy with the layout of the text - as there is a bit of a blurb about the photographers.

The final poster was a very quick design - not that great but it could be the door closing on the last two year! ;)

Goodbye for now my fellow exhibitors!

Friday, 23 April 2010

Any good?

Pooh to the Holga - or pooh to me. Maybe it is because I am a Mamiya Lover at heart - although i enjoy using the Holga it is not my best friend.

I think my problem is that I feel that I am not producing great images and have just been snapping away. I have been thinking about composition alot otherwise no images would work at all and I have been blessed with the beautiful weather yet i think it is my idea that is not motivating to get out and shoot - earlier on today I was contemplating to head out with my RZ and do a bit of street photography - but it then hit me would I be able to create 10 images in just over a week - I dont think so! So I must get on with the Holga and obscure objects.

Here are some of my latest contact prints and I still have 4 films that need to be processed. Once again they are a range of shots and some work and others really are a waste of space. I think my favourite ones are the Iron and the close up of the daffodils.

I am really annoyed because I feel as though I have let myself down by not pushing the photographic technique more with this project. I will see how I will get on over the weekend and who knows my final post may be a new type of images or I may finally be able to grasp this and have a great set of final images.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Exhibition Poster

I have spent the last few hours researching different exhibition and event posters to get some inspiration for my own design and trying to work out what works well together. I have not done anything on Photoshop yet, I have been doodling with some sketches of different layouts. I am also finding it hard not to follow the same idea as the final design and make it my own.
Keep plodding on - and will update tomorrow evening with some examples of poster design - yes thats right blogging on a Saturday night!




Well what a stressful few weeks I have had. I seem to have been very busy but lacking in the motivation to do work. I know that I have been very slack with blogging recently and I am really annoyed at myself because I was really enjoying it at the beginning to see what everyone was up to and how they were progressing. This major comment update has shown me how well some people are doing and how they have nearly completed the project. Although I have not been on here for a while I have continued to shoot because the weather has been soo lovely - the only problem is I have been unable to get the films processed due to lack of funds. That is why I have not got any images to show you at this time. I was going to go out and shoot some more this afternoon but it seems to be a bit cloudy over this way - maybe a bit of ash in my pictures could work quite well :P

AS my previous posts have shown that I have been having a little bit of trouble with the overall subject matter for this project. The original idea of multiple exposures never evolved due to the fact that nobody is available to shoot as they work when I have days off and I have photographed strangers before and it can be a very scary thing to do. I have found myself taking the holga with me when I go out and I been taking quite a few random shots of the landscape and the surroundings whilst walking the dog.

Over the easter Holidays I have shot 4 rolls of film so far - although this does not seem alot 40 shots is quite a few to choose from and I will still continue to shoot at least 3 more. As I mentioned in my previous post I have also followed the route of taking the inside out. I am taking everyday household objects and photographing them outside in different locations. I am looking at brightly coloured objects that will stand out in the landscape. As well I bright objects I have gone for electrical items as well - i am experimenting with the multiple exposures and really thinking about the composition. I think this whole area is an experiment because the Holga work needs to be interesting and exciting.

I will hopefully have some money on Monday so on Tuesday morning I can pop to 20/20 and get them to process for me and have the images to show in the lesson and update with a more detailed post of my work - fingers crossed.

Where is 2010 going - I swear it was the start of the second semester a couple of weeks ago?!?!
